Thursday, February 18, 2010

Days 17-19

Day 19: Wednesday, Feb. 17

Improvement: Feeling beautiful

I told this week that I am beautiful and deserve to feel that way. No, I don't literally look in the mirror and tell my something that, but I did spend time beautifying as well as some hard earned cash to get things like nail polish and a tanning package. You do not have to agree with my decision to tan, but here me when I say, "You need to feel beautiful,too." Do something today that makes you smile and feel pretty. Boys, you can feel pretty, too.

Day 18: Tuesday, Feb. 16

Improvement: Knowledge on foreign politics and history of wars.

This semester I am learning one lecture at a time how much I don't know about the world wars, the cold war and other important political events. It is important for me to become educated on world history, as well as political matters and today I did just that.

It might be a cop out, but I had a huge test the next day in International Politics. I managed to learn a whole month of readings in a few hours without actually doing the readings. It was good for me to learn and good to clock in some library hours. Hopefully I aced my test in POLS!

Day 17: Monday, Feb. 15

Improvement: Showing my appreciation and love

I wrote a few letters today including some much needed than you letters. I am thankful to have the life I have and the people I have in it. I need to always be reminding the people I love of my appreciation. The letters I sent out today are hopefully just the beginning of showing my loved ones how much I appreciate them.

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