Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The 100 Day Challenge becomes challenging.

The 100 Day Challenge becomes challenging- what a concept. The improvements have become harder to
A) think of
B) accept
C) execute.

I must think harder to find good ways to improve my life and myself. Once I think of ways to improve myself, and trust me, there are a lot of ways I could. The second part is actually making the improvements and that has become the difficult part. I say all of this with a slight smirk and a bit of sarcasm. The 100 Day Challenge is named just so to be exactly that - challenging.

Day 11: Improvement my mood. Today has been stressful; I had a two-page Italian paper due at one o'clock. I procrastinated. Now, that's something I need to improve over the next 100 days. I think this weekend I have found some good improvements to work on. These finding probably lead to my bad mood today and the weather. Yes, last Friday, my day's improvement was about my attitude towards the weather, but sadly, that improvement was a one day thing.

Day 10: Improve my bank account. Mondays are full of babysitting for me now a days. That means I am getting closer to my goal of actually having some money at the end of these 100 days. Although, I now I am babysitting too much. Basically, I'm awful at saying no. It's not that I don't want to babysit because I do. I enjoy it and I love the money. I simply need to know that it's okay to say no and remember that I am a college student first and babysitter second. However, I will never say no to babysitting Livia, the cutest three-month-old baby ever. Babysitting her is the one calm part of my day, where all I think about is making sure this precious three-month-old baby is as happy as can be.

Day 9: Improve relationship with my Baby Brother. On Sunday, I was lucky enough to spend time with my beloved baby brother. He is too funny. Seriously, too funny. We simply went to the library and the supermarket, and I had a great time. I am glad my little brother is just as fun as my mom and, most importantly, me.

Day 8: Improve relationship with my Mom. On Saturday, I went home to babysit (something I do almost every weekend now). I spent the day with my lovely mother. We saw a film at the theater and laughed a lot. The time I spend with my mom is precious to me because its the one time in my week I don't find myself working super hard to impress someone. When I am with my mom, I am me. The laughter is real and the good times are very real. Thanks, Mom.

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