Sunday, February 28, 2010

Already Day 30!

Day 30: Thurs, Feb. 28

Improvement: Philanthropic continued. You can never really volunteer enough. Today I helped clean the Lawrence Homeless Shelter. I was bleaching walls, scrubbing vents and getting down n dirty with the homeless. It was great to see our hard work make a big difference.

Day 29: Saturday, Feb. 27

Improvement: camaraderie . I had some of my lovely Theta sisters over to my parents' house. It was a fun girls' night and I am so thankful to have wonderful sisters.

Day 28: Fri, Feb. 26

Improvement: A whole day full of volunteering. I woke up early to proctor a journalism competition on campus. After volunteering for KSPA, I donated blood. This was on my bucket list! However, the experience was horrible.

I waited in line for nearly two hours to donate. Then, my body did not like having a pint of blood taken out of it. I nearly fainted twice. The boy donating across from me had to nearly yelled for help, "She doesn't look okay," he said. It was quite the ordeal. I hope my blood goes to a person in need because the experience was very unpleasant. I did however meet a cute boy at the blood drive. I know, I know, only I would meet a boy at a blood drive. If he ever reads this, you should call me blood drive boy- you were cute and nice.

Then late Friday night into the wee hours of the morn I was driving some intoxicated people home being a good ol' DD. Then a lonley straggler was walking the streets of Lawrence. Being the great person that I am, I gave the poor boy a ride home. Yes, I picked up a rando off the streets. Goodness, I was really feeling philanthropic Friday.

Day 27:
Thurs, Feb. 25

Improvement: Biblical Knowledge. I attended the Theta bible study again. I also invited friends! It was a good night full of funny conversation and some serious stuff, too. Thank you Theta girls for being so great.

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