Friday, August 7, 2009


Sarah Weaver is on summer staff at Woodleaf until August 24th!

Mail to: Young Life Woodleaf Sarah Weaver - Summer Staff 11359 La Porte Rd Challenge, CA 95925

Life at camp is always great. Everyone here is so happy to be here and to be serving. It is a really positive place to be. I appreciate the opportunity to volunteer here. I do not have my cell phone as a part of a technology fast (which I am definately cheating by being online and blogging... opps.) Not having a phone is hard when trying to plan the rest of my fall plans, but not having a phone is also really nice.

I didn't have my cell phone in Europe, so I feel pretty used to it by now. However, I do miss being connected 24/7. For the short period that I was home I got pretty used to it again.

If anyone knows any travel agents or anyone living in New Zealand or Australia, let me know. I could use a place to stay in some places and some help finding some travel arrangments. Haha. Life is really exciting.

Please send mail! I am working in the office here, so I am the one who sorts the mail. Meaning I get very jealous when little campers and other staffers get packages and letters. Love you all!

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